Parents and families play an integral part as a child's first teachers. We thank you for entrusting us with your children. At the forefront of all we do is our motto of “doing what is best for kids.” As the saying goes, “it takes a village to educate children,” and we need your help as well because we can’t do the job alone. We are asking that you play an active role in your child’s education by ensuring your child is rested, comes to school every day on time, and is ready to learn. It is equally as important to listen to and assist your child in reading every day. Talk with your child about his/her day. You will be amazed how much they really do want to tell you!
It is very important for us to make certain that we communicate with the parents/guardians of our students.
- NEWSLETTERS will be periodically sent home detailing all upcoming activities and events.
- REPORT CARDS/CONFERENCES will be scheduled with parents/guardians each fall (November) for all students and each spring for
selected students. These conferences will allow parents/guardians and teachers to meet to discuss the student progress.
- TELEPHONE CALLS teachers will make every attempt to contact parents/guardians to inform them of any concerns they may have
regarding your child.
- SPECIAL PROGRESS REPORTS/CONFERENCE may be scheduled when a student in not progressing well in class. Parents may arrange
conferences with teachers before or after school.
- STUDENT PLANNERS - One planner will be provided to each student at the beginning of the school year. Students will be expected to
fill out their planners daily. Parent signature requirement will be designated per grade level.
- WEEKLY COMMUNICATION will be sent home on Tuesdays via student planners.